Counselling for Men

Counselling for men London Guide Mental health and therapy for men is becoming more popular in London. Counselling for men is a talking therapy which caters for men and the unique challenges the face, including relationship difficulties, childhood sexual abuse, childhood trauma, gender identity and drug and alcohol abuse. The stereotype of a man having … Read more

Psychosexual Therapy

Sex Therapist London Guide Difficulties with sex can strike at any time, and can take many forms. Sometimes the underlying cause can be physical, perhaps from taking medication, or the side effect of illness or ageing. But often there’s a psychological or psychosomatic component, making it necessary to work with a psychotherapist, or therapist specialising … Read more

PTSD Therapy

PTSD Therapy London Guide What is PTSD? PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a mental health condition which you may have developed after experiencing or witnessing a highly traumatic event. This could be a threat to your life, a violent attack, sexual assault, sexual abuse, a car accident, or military combat. You can also experience … Read more

The Artists Way

The Artist’s Way: A Path to Self-Discovery As a psychotherapist working in Central London, clients sometimes ask about Julia Cameron’s book, ‘The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity’. How compatible is it with therapy, and can the ideas be incorporated into the therapeutic process? Over the last decade, The Artist’s Way has witnessed … Read more

Narcissistic Abuse Therapy

The Transformative Power of Narcissistic Abuse Therapy As a Central London-based psychotherapist I often encounter clients dealing with narcissistic abuse. This can be from early relationships, past romantic attachments, emotionally immature parents, or current partners and friends. Anyone grappling with narcissistic abuse faces a unique set of challenges, and will benefit from a particular form … Read more

Loneliness Therapy

Your Guide to Loneliness Therapy in London Loneliness, a distressing and often hidden experience, stems from a lack of emotional intimacy with others. This feeling of loneliness can originate in childhood or emerge later from difficult relationships, the loss of a loved one, or long distance relationships. Loneliness, a profound feeling of isolation and emptiness, … Read more

Relationship Counselling

What is Relationship Counselling? Relationships with partners, friends and family can be complicated, and it can be frustrating and confusing when things go wrong for no apparent reason. You might be asking yourself whether its your fault, your partners fault, or whether you’re perhaps just not compatible. The higher the emotional intelligence of both you … Read more

Living with Bipolar

Living with Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental health condition that can dramatically affect an individual’s life. Characterised by intense mood swings, it involves periods of extreme euphoria (mania) followed by episodes of severe depression. This article aims to provide a detailed overview of living with bipolar disorder, highlighting … Read more

Emotionally Immature Parents

The Devastating Impact of Emotionally Immature Parents The intricate tapestry of your family dynamics will have an immense influence over how you developed as a child. Patterns of emotional well-being were established then, that are likely to still be in place today. In many cases, parents can exhibit significant emotional immaturity, which in turn impacts … Read more

Creativity Coaching

What is Creativity Coaching? Creativity coaching is about having someone who believes in your potential, and can offer guidance and support for your creative journey. A good coach will have real world expertise and experience, combined with an understanding of the artistic mind. They’ll help you develop the skills you need to get to where … Read more