creativity coaching london

What is Creativity Coaching?

Creativity coaching is about having someone who believes in your potential, and can offer guidance and support for your creative journey. A good coach will have real world expertise and experience, combined with an understanding of the artistic mind. They’ll help you develop the skills you need to get to where you want to go.

Creativity coaching can help with:

  • Developing practical creative skills
  • Working through creative blocks or art blocks
  • Recognising and challenging limiting beliefs
  • Working with imposter syndrome and low self confidence
  • Gaining new perspective
  • Launching a creative business
  • Discovering your creative purpose

What happens in creativity coaching sessions?

We’ll look at your creative dreams and goals, and formulate a plan for making them happen. Setting out on the creative path comes with its own unique set of challenges.

There’s a combination of inner resistance and outer limitations which have to be identified and worked through in order to successfully make a creative impact.

The coaching sessions are a safe place to explore your doubts and fears without any fear of judgement. It’s also a place to give your creative ideas free reign, to play, and connect with your inner artist.

“Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read”

Austin Kleon

Creativity for self development

We all start out with creative imaginations and creative minds. As young children, the world is full of wonder and awe. But as we get older, we learn to conform. We rein in our personalities, restrict our movements, and do our best to fit in with the expectations and rules of the adult world.

It can happen for many reasons. Words of disapproval from elders. Peer pressure from school. Or just a desire to fade into the background. But creativity can be learned, step by step. Even by people who are sure that they don’t have a creative bone in their body.

It takes a combination of looking at your feelings, challenging your beliefs, and step by step practice. You can learn to play again, to have fun and make mistakes, and to experiment freely without self judgement.

I believe we’re all creative souls and reconnecting to our inner creativity is a natural path towards self development.

Why have a creativity coach?

A creativity coach is for anyone who wants to get involved in meaningful creative projects, but finds that there’s something in the way.

Creative coaches are more than life coaches – they have specialist knowledge and experience in the creative process, and how creative people think and operate in the world. A creative life can have its ups and downs, and there are challenges specific to the creative life, alongside the rewards.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a creative professional, a creative entrepreneur, or someone who intuitively knows you have untapped creative potential. Creative coaching will give you the opportunity to look at your strengths and weaknesses, and begin to acquire the skills you need for your particular creative work goals.

Creative block

You might think artists, creatives, people who’ve been making things all their lives have it all figured out. But that’s not the case at all.

I’ve worked with countless professional artists and musicians who’ve hit creative blocks in their careers. Living with the creative flow can make artists prone to depression, and at risk of instability.

They live under the fear of their creativity drying up, or the audience moving on. And when the artist’s identity is entwined with their creative output, it can be a real cause of anxiety and suffering.

Creative block, also known as writers’ block or art block leaves people feeling locked out of their creative potential. It can be a source of great anxiety and despondency, especially for anyone who relies on their creative output for work.

It’s an area I’m familiar with, as a creative and psychotherapist. I welcome anyone who needs help to get in touch.

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Daren Banarsë MBACP

I'm a licensed psychotherapist and counsellor, with a private practice in Central London. I treat anxiety, depression and relationship issues with trauma-informed therapy. I have a background in music and the arts.